Hyalite/Bozeman Ice Fest ’21

My friends and I had a great time at the 2021 Bozeman ice festival! The festival did however dodge a bullet with temperatures that finally started to go down enough to build ice. Though there were many cancellations there were still a lot of people climbing ice there, and it appeared that everybody went home happy. With six days of mixed and ice with many friends, I did too. Though things started out thin, conditions are improving rapidly.

12/7-12/21 Hyalite 17p to WI5, M6

12-7 Amphitheater 5p to m6 wi3 w/ Duncan. lots of fun new mixed routes here now! thanks Tate!

12-8 Magically D + 2dt 3p to m6 w/ Mik

12-9 Upper Greensleeves R 2p wi3 w/ Dave AJ, Moe. super day out with adaptive crew. thanks Sterling Ropes!!

12-10 Matrix x2 w Jenn. our favorite

12-11 Zach Attack attempt 3p to wi3, m4. too cold/ windy today, but route in good shape.

12-12 Comet, Astreroid 2p wi5. Comet is so fun!

It was so fun to see my friends Priti and Jeff give their amazing multimedia show on their sabbatical. They are stars now and definitely have a “brand“. We will be hearing much more from them in the future I’m sure.

The tactic that I use to get ice routes during the crowded festival is I go super early and try to do more difficult routes around the festival/clinic area. It seems to work really well. Other tactics I have seen: people get out late and climb at dark.

The other reoccurring theme that I noticed is that there are many young people, particularly women, are trying to develop climbing partnerships and are struggling. The thing that I would tell the men are: please be inviting and inclusive, and help all of our young alpinists to get their reps in and connect with the community. The thing I would tell young people looking to get established: post “partner wanted”on the various partner finding options often. Screen, and find the best possible partners to get out with. And be patient, it takes a long and continual time to develop a good list of partners. I personally have about 20 people that I tend to climb with, but I’m always looking to take out new people and build the community.

I also hope to see a “Mixed Day” at the next Festival. With climate change, it is the future of the sport.

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