Canada Ice, Mixed 2-22

Update 5-2022: I will be updating ”page 9”, but will no longer be posting new entries on this journal. Thanks for the support all.

2-5-2022 Mythological 3p-WI5+ w/Michael T.

2-6 Carlsberg 3p Wi5 

2-7 Distillery mixed m7

2-8 Superbok 3p WI5 w/ Michael, Doug 

2-10 Suffer Machine 4p,wi5,m7-ao w/ Michael T, Doug 

What an incredible trip! I was just going to do Mythological, but when I saw how close it was to my friends new place in Golden, I decided to stay for the week.

Well since WordPress insists on charging me for my website, and my readers won’t help with any expenses, I’m left with the decision about whether to keep the site going or not. this one is pretty much over.

Northwest Ice’21/22

J-Currency/Cable p2

2-1-2022 Sundance Kid wi5 x2 w/ Jenn, Carl

1-30 J-Currency, MP14 left 2p to Wi5 w/ Jenn, Christian

1-29 FMA J-Currency Mix Tape WI5, M5 x3 w/ Christian

1-27 MP14c, H202 x2  3p wi5 w/Zach

1-15,16 Dustys in and Out  wi3 30m, 10 laps w Kyle M, Dave, /Jenn, Tristan

1-11 MBLI w/jenn wi4 x3

1-10 TOAC wi5 x2 w/jenn, Shiona

1-5 Shannon far left WI3

1-2 Wet Dream M5 WI3+

1-1-2022 2 minutes for Hooking 3p WI4+ w/Jeremy

12-31-21 Tears Of A Clown 35m WI5 w/John Roskelley, Ben ,Vern

12-30 Eriks m5 under mixed conditions w/Jenn

Well, what a crazy local ice season we’re having here in the Pacific Northwest! What started out as a very frustrating beginning , is ending up cruising into a long slow burn of cold temperatures, good ice, and a stunning new first/ reimagined ascent! By far one of the coolest first ascents and mixed leads that I’ve done since bring Da ruckus, is a reimagined second pitch of the notorious cable route at Banks Lake! Long ago my friend Jess and I envisioned bolts at the top and wherever else they were needed down the thin ice that dribbles down the basalt columns. I finally got around to fixing it up with Christian, it climbed so well, only needing two bolts to make it a safe lead. Besides many available top rope variations, It now has amazing access from the very top, and a new fixed rope across the middle ledge as well! All this work and play was done in tribute to fallen comrades: Jess Roskelley, and Bob Prosser.

Gear: 7 screws, 2 cams, and 2 bolts. 60m rope

The other thing I’ve come to know better is there are secret stashes of ice on the eastern side of the Cascades. The reason they need to be kept sort of secret, is they would be over run by Seattle people if it were blown up on social media. I understand and appreciate this concept so I am trying to do my part as well.

Cold, wind,and crazy weather shut me down in Lillooet, but it is in all-time shape if somebody can get up there. Squamish was the usual awesome though!!

Hydrology is again baffling at Banks Lake many routes are super dry, and others are quite fat.

I hope to extend the season for a while, but it looks like there is a warm-up coming. I’m headed up north for a few days to keep the party going. Then, it may be time to look at higher altitude things in WA after. Cheers!

Hyalite/Bozeman Ice Fest ’21

My friends and I had a great time at the 2021 Bozeman ice festival! The festival did however dodge a bullet with temperatures that finally started to go down enough to build ice. Though there were many cancellations there were still a lot of people climbing ice there, and it appeared that everybody went home happy. With six days of mixed and ice with many friends, I did too. Though things started out thin, conditions are improving rapidly.

12/7-12/21 Hyalite 17p to WI5, M6

12-7 Amphitheater 5p to m6 wi3 w/ Duncan. lots of fun new mixed routes here now! thanks Tate!

12-8 Magically D + 2dt 3p to m6 w/ Mik

12-9 Upper Greensleeves R 2p wi3 w/ Dave AJ, Moe. super day out with adaptive crew. thanks Sterling Ropes!!

12-10 Matrix x2 w Jenn. our favorite

12-11 Zach Attack attempt 3p to wi3, m4. too cold/ windy today, but route in good shape.

12-12 Comet, Astreroid 2p wi5. Comet is so fun!

It was so fun to see my friends Priti and Jeff give their amazing multimedia show on their sabbatical. They are stars now and definitely have a “brand“. We will be hearing much more from them in the future I’m sure.

The tactic that I use to get ice routes during the crowded festival is I go super early and try to do more difficult routes around the festival/clinic area. It seems to work really well. Other tactics I have seen: people get out late and climb at dark.

The other reoccurring theme that I noticed is that there are many young people, particularly women, are trying to develop climbing partnerships and are struggling. The thing that I would tell the men are: please be inviting and inclusive, and help all of our young alpinists to get their reps in and connect with the community. The thing I would tell young people looking to get established: post “partner wanted”on the various partner finding options often. Screen, and find the best possible partners to get out with. And be patient, it takes a long and continual time to develop a good list of partners. I personally have about 20 people that I tend to climb with, but I’m always looking to take out new people and build the community.

I also hope to see a “Mixed Day” at the next Festival. With climate change, it is the future of the sport.

Bring Da Ruckus!

For weeks, my new friend Kurt was hounding me to go to the Rap Wall. I had been up there ice climbing with Jenn 2 years ago, but that was before the big mixed climbing push that we started a year ago. Because of my dedication to this advanced discipline, and, again now being a developer, when I saw this wall with Kurt, I about shat myself. Here was an ice dabbled cliff with outstanding rock, steep af, and climbed so incredibly well.

Oh, and it had actual ICE!

I immediately seized on the best looking line(Ruckus). It took several trips up there to bolt, and learn the route. On my 3rd trip, I got the tredpoint (top-rope, no falls) after a few tries, then took big falls my first few times trying to lead it. Weeks passed with a terrible warm spell, ropes chopped while attempting, and huge snow storms. Would I be able get it done??

Then on the last possible day before more big storms hit, I got it done with a group of barn friends that completed another first ascent just left of me! I flashed my project, while Tom took his time for safety reasons. After 2 hours, He got up the insane Shaolin 36th Chamber Chimney ground-up! 

Dougs great instagram post 10 pictures and video!

Both routes are serious and in pg shape currently. I plan to add up to 3 more bolts, but there are cam placements(.5, .2) available until then. Ruckus is a completely amazing pitch with distinct cruxes, insane moves, and great alpine setting.

Beware the avalanche danger in this area. The ascent teams I went up there with were aware that, at times, NWAC was not recommending travel. Please consider this issue as well if this area appeals to you.

Huge thanks to the good people that helped me make this possible! Kurt, Jenn, Christian, Priti, Jeff, Kyle, Dave, Jeremy, Truc, Tom, and EZD!

Bring the Ruckus was sent on Sterling Ropes. (and didn’t get cut)







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As you can tell, I had to go with an upgraded plan. WordPress was limiting my storage and editing, so I hope to get some support to cover the $8/month to keep my site going, thanks for your viewership , and don’t feel like you have to give anything other than your community support , thanks Wayne

Hyalite 1-’21

With recent C19-negative tests, Jenn and I spent a long, and amazing week ice climbing in Hyalite and this time Cody! 


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1-16  Matrix WI4 w/Jenn still mixed move at bottom

1-17 Black Magic M6-WI5 ice is thin

1-18 Switchback area 3p to m6w3

1-19 Champagne Sherbet WI4 perfect shape, hooked

1-20 Come and Get It M7+ WI6 great shape, runout , thin ice near top

1-21 Green Gully, Blue Gully WI4 2p w/ Jenn, Dave, Perfect shape

1-22 Broken Hearts/ Only Valentine WI5 5p w/ Jenn, lane solar bleached, wet, and Valentine has rotten middle section

1-24 Leaning Tree WI4 4p w/Jenn, lane Freakin perfect! crossed river at base

It can’t be easy for my climbing partners dealing with a hyper driven climber such as myself. I apologize to those that climb with me for my impatience, energy, and demands. Sometimes things get tense, but I have to remember that these big climbs present stressful situations and I don’t always react as well as I should. Thank you to all my climbing partners for helping us to achieve great things together!

2 Trips to Hyalite 12-’20

Shopping is a Feeling M5 WI5, Photo by Doug


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12-11 Amphitheater and Matrix 3p to WI4 m4. Mixed move at base of Matrix, then fat

12-12 Avalanche Gulch attempt 3p to wi3 m3. Too thin at first crux(p3), 2nd pitch was bony

12-13 Flanders Field, King of Belguim, Shopping is a Feeling 3p m5 wi4 w/ Doug. OMG Shopping is so fun!!! KOB is thin and has dead tree climbing In gully!

12-24 Amphitheater 2p  WI4 w/ Jenn. Picked out

12-25 Dribbles, Silken Falls 5p WI4. Fun link up, but we were going to try Alex in Wonderland but there was no Booter in the deep snow.

12-26 Horsetail Falls 2p WI4 w/ Jenn, Kate. Classic and fun especially at the finish! 6 inches of new snow overnight

12-27 GLO, Bingo World 4p to WI6. Jenn lead her first WI5! And Bingo World was completely great!. I finally caught it in good enough shape to feel safe on it. Chandeliered start, I wrapped around it from behind it clockwise.

12-28 Alpha, Omega 2p WI5. Ended the trip(s) with these two mega classics. Omega is wet, picked out

Since we can’t go to Canada, us Americans that want to go ice climbing must stick with US options. Fortunately one of my favorite places to go is Hyalite Canyon near Bozeman. Though working nearly full-time I managed to steal away for two quick trips there. The first with the skier Doug, we squeezed three busy days in but didn’t get any of our big objectives however.
Next, my new wife Jenn and I went for a long and very special Christmas weekend. We did a bunch of classic, amazing ice climbing. We met some great new friends, but ran into so many Washington, and Oregon people there climbing as well. Now, the area is busy, so we got early starts and did more obscure climbs to combat that. Though things socially are different…it was very nice to add to my many good memories here in this canyon. Can’t wait for my next trip in two more weeks!




Weeping Pillar, and Cryophobia attempt

I swear, my life is like being in a wild movie at times. Strange ironies and plot twists are always around the corner when going for big objectives, or in this case sometimes not going for them…


I had given up for the year on the second of 2 projects for the season. My first project was Astroman last fall, and it went well. Next, I was going to throw everything I could at the next project, including hiring a guide for the Cryo! The route came in fat, but the stars never aligned , so until I was asked by a random stranger to climb Cryo, it was off. More on that later.

After being home for 1 day from Colorado, the Puget Sound floods barely let me pass to fly to Calgary for the week. Joining me for all but 2 days, Jenn and I wanted to make the most of it while our town became an island. Except for the deep snow, conditions were great. We dispatched some great climbs right away! :

2-7 Dream On 5p to wi4 w/Landon. Did all of the pitches around it, Saw Nachtmahr! See photo.

2-8 Louise Falls 2p to wi4w/Jenn. Had it to ourselves in afternoon. J’s first go at it.

2-9 Melt Out 3p wi3 Fun, wet route

2-10 Weeping Pillar 6p wi6 w/Jenn. Did the proper route this time. Jenns first wi6! chandelier second pitch for 15m. Long route!! Dripping mostly avoidable.

2-12 The Drive-In 3p D6 w/Jenn Leads D5!. Great, moderate dry tooling!!

2-13 Cryophobia attempt 6p wi5+ M8 (A0 for us) w/James W.

The night before Jenn and I were going for Weeping Pillar, there was another group of 3 that were staying at Rampart as well. They had tried a variety of routes(Curtain Call, Weeping Pillar, Musashi) with limited success for wild reasons as well! We got to talking mixed, and James from NZ, busts out with looking for partners to do Cryo. I looked over to Jenn and asked her if she knows anyone interested in doing it.

Ambitions should be kept realistic.

I knew that the climb was over my head, that’s why the guide idea sounded great. Now I would have to swap leads, find the new (much longer)approach, ascend, and descend without much beta. I was nervous as I kissed my gal goodby at the airport the night before. The next am, we were off-route soon enough with all the different roads and trails wandering around. We lost an hour, but got lucky the rest of the way in. The big issue was obviously going to be the winds. Once on route, we were hammered by high winds and spindrift soaked our gloves. Mid route, there was a lull in the storm, but as we pushed on to near the top, it burst, and the last belay I did was brutal. It was only 1 ice pitch to the top, but the margins of survival got too thin. If there had been a walk off, we may have gone on, but I was worried about the overhanging rappels in again high winds. Only by pushing a bit beyond what we should have, did we get up the business of the route, but like being a bad actor in a movie, we took “aid” on many a bolt. So it is with dreams-come-true, the truth sometimes hurts. The way out was brutal, but the wind was now at our backs after 12 hours on the move. We may have ended up in the ditch on the drive out too. The route is incredible and lives up to the hype. I am glad I picked so worthy of an objective. This will be hard to top, and I may retire from such bold objectives anyways.

This amazing 96p season could not have happened with the help of so many great people. I am sure to miss a few names, but thanks Jenn, Landon, James, Steve, Janet, and Dave. You all rock!



Colorado ’20

At the last minute, Lane and I decided to use his companion pass and go enjoy good ice climbing conditions in SW Colorado. With 4 days at our disposal, we made the most of it, dispatching 3 multi-pitch routes.

This season, I have been inspired to get after routes that don’t always come in. The word gets out on face bu k, and the want list grows for us all! Though easy to hate on the social networks dark side, for sure, it is so nice to have an information and social medium to pave an expressway to your dream climbs. Crowding can be an issue, we had to wait until noon for Ames. No big deal in 40 degree temps though.

Special thanks to Lane, Carley+ Jason, Harvest+ Kristen, Tyler+ Lucas, Mary+ Lance, Tasha+ Dylan, @sterlingropes, and the WAC( for the top rope and hot chocolate)!

…and ,Hey Reader! Thanks for supporting the community!

An amazing new guidebook is out too! Get a copy of Suffer Candy TODAY!!

2-1-20 Avocado Gulley 3p+1 w3 w/Lane + 4 others. Rarely formed moderate route, great warm-up. Hooked, but fun!

2-2 Ames Ice Hose 4p w4+ w/Lane. Amazing climb! My Colorado favorite so far..Hooked, but fun!

2-3 Whorehouse Hoses 2p w5. Fun climb, setting. We got hit by a crazy storm on second pitch! (video)

2-4 Ouray Ice Park 2p. Fun as usual, Shout out to the WAC!

Click on images to enlarge..


Hyalite Ice ’20

Heading back to Hyalite was like visiting an old friend. Upon seeing it, the memories flood into the mind, as does desire to create new ones. Though the conditions of the ice was great, the snow kept piling up giving me the willies about avalanche possibilities. In the end, it took reassurances from people that successfully tried riskier climbs for me to go for some of the more intriguing gullies. Wind was a big concern too for both drifting, and chill effect. It was one of my all-time trips there. 21 crazy pitches with 6 different people! SO Grateful to friends old and new for this amazing week of ice and mixed climbing. Shout out to #sterlingropes too!

1-5-20 Jeffs L, Black Magic- m6 wi5 Unnamed Wall w/Jeremy(prime condition)

1-6 Bobo Like wi5 3p w/ Jeremy (Prime condition, deep snow though)

1-8 Dielectric Breakdown wi5 2laps w/Erik (Prime condition, hooked)

1-9 Matrix, Feeding, Scepter wi5 w/Travis (prime- too fat!Sceptrr drips in places)

1-10 G2, HomeFA M7 w/Lane (PRIMO!, though our party took off much ice, sorry)

1-11 TIG, GLO, JL wi5-Unnamed w/Lane, Jenn, Marko (prime, hooked

1-12 Cleopatras Needle wi5 2p w/Jenn( Wet! first 40′ of crux)

1-13 MC 234 WI6 w/Jenn (Prime, with MC4 being athletic and pumpy!)

What a great venue Bozeman is! No wonder it is an exploding city. Low commitment, high quality, and access, it has it all. Thanks to Icefest for keeping the road plowed.

Seattle area dry tool crags


SR-900 (aka, Cougar mt.)Easy, not great, good introduction to mixed/dry

Black Ice Crag, Upper area(CYA) Exit 38. Easy, Low angle, not great

Tool Shed, Baker area, never been there personally

Shuksan Crag, 3-4 worthy routes in a nice roadside setting. Easy tr access.

Rap Wall, Alpental Alpine issues. Some recent developments, results are amazing!! Truly mixed in winter!

Then, at the suggestion of the local guru, we found this!!

Nestled not very deep in the Snoqualmie Alps are a set of newly developed crags that offer a very fun, difficult dry tool (d/t) experience. A couple of friends and I had been poking around for months and eventually found the perfect venue. Thanks to the encouragement from the various guide book authors, and the original area route setters, we felt safe to develop these unnamed crags as a d/t area. It is remote and insulated enough from free climbing walls, as to not be prime free climbing rock nor suitable sport climbing projects. So far, we have 50+ amazing climbs up!! All completed routes are bolted.

I do not bear the responsibility lightly in producing high quality and safe routes. I want to keep the standards very high in our amazing home forests.  There is also plenty of room to develop routes and I encourage others to develop routes at this amazing location.  All that I ask, is that you please develop in a way that is sustainable to our rock, and safe for our community.

My philosophy on dry tooling impact is best summed up by this great essay from Furnace Industries!

The thousands of dollars needed for these new climbs were donated by our amazing community via go-fund-me. Thanks so much for the support! 

Suggested rules of conduct at this crag

-Please limit scratching the rock with your points, take care with crampons while lowering or rappelling.

-Please use mono-point crampons, or rock shoes only, stick with existing placements when possible

-Safety attire: Helmets, eye protection, sheltered belays, etc. There is loose rock here! Climb at own risk.

– Please feel free to use the resident ropes to access top rope anchors. There is top rope access from the top, approached from the far left side of the crag. Most trs need directionals. Please coil and hang them up afterwards too.

-Please respect “closed projects”, they should be tagged so. 

-Respect the access road, and watch for vehicles! Use proper trails. Have necessary parking passes, etc

FA of Partytime! Excellent! D6, Waynes World 12-19

Some history… After a 2016 visit to the Playground with the Polish guy, I became very interested in finding a local crag that was not easy, crappy, or both. Years passed, and we halfheartedly looked around.

10-’19. Enter the author of the recent guidebook! I emailed him and it took a while for me to get to see both of his suggestions. In mid December, I saw what is now called(not by me) : Waynes World(WW). I was floored with the potential of the area, yet scared of the single bolted line I saw out there. This obscure crag had a smattering of top anchors from a 2003-2006 development that pushed all through the surrounding of crags. Too dark, chossy and jumbled, the far left crags (WW), never took hold on Garth and the gang that were the driving explorers at the time. I found that though the single project may have been climbed long ago, the entire crag has since laid abandoned until the recent d/t development. So far, the redevelopment idea receives near total support from the community and institutions that have chosen to speak up.


Rap Wall

Thanks for your support, if that is the case, and critique, if also warranted…. No doubt I/ we have done minimal “pick enhancements” on a couple of routes. My main motivation along with sustainable pick holes is: safety. I refuse to send my friends up steep leads with sketchy clips on the first 3 bolts. We have done our best to minimize drilled pick placements.

Safety, and also sustainability.

The many popular existing d/t climbing areas around the U.S. and Canada all suffer from blown-out placement holes. Presumably, this is from hundreds of people falling off, degrading the placement to the point of rendering them useless. Recent remedies are to make more aggressive pick and crampon placement holes with a power drill, thereby making the route pick-hole placements sustainable over the life of the route. Dry tooling will mark and scar the rock. With that, for a crag to be sustainable with everyone using it, should the occasional non-positive hold be enhanced to a point that use does not destroy the feature? I know this also makes the climb easier, but this particular crag is so steep that most any climber will be fully engaged! All improvements are kept to a minimum as well. Good luck climbing here it’s stout, steep, and climbs fantastic!


  • COVID Safety: Distance, Masks, Gloves, Hand sanitizer (tool swap). Stay with your “Belay Buddy”or pod.
  • Climbing Equipment Safety Checks: Harness, Helmet, Eye Protection, tool lanyards
  • Climbing Action Safety: Plan for lowering, Belay, Knots, similar weighted parties, Belay away from drop zone if top roping. Protect your face! Re-clip directionals when lowering.  SNUG BELAYS AT THE START OF THE TOP ROPE BELAYS!! Don’t distract the belayer.
  • Be an “Independent party”. Be responsible for your safety and your teams too.

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